A little about me

I love meeting people every time ... and fulfilling the dream for them. My name is Ronit Bashi and I produce and design events. I design and create for people who want to celebrate their events, customized productions to give you the best experience for your events, here in Israel. I produce a wide variety of successful events in personal and unique design - weddings-bnei mitzvahs - and boutique event concept events.
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To fulfill your dream,

I will be there for you as a professional event producer and event designer and also as coordinator for your event day.

Display options

Help and choose the unique and perfect place for your event for you.

Budget management and adjustment

For your event, you decide what amount you have available. Includes building a neat and detailed plan that will save you a lot of valuable time and money.

Consultation meeting

Consultation with the family / couple that determines your needs, tastes and vision for your event. I will present to you a number of options for the venue according to budget and concept to accompany you throughout the event.

Selection of service providers and attractions

And an overall coordination among them. For example, photographers, DJs, attraction bands or any other gimmick you like and fits the style and budget. Assists in negotiations and ensures accurate recognition and timing of one and all together.

Select a location

Choosing the unique and complete place for you

Management on the day of the event

It is essential for the success of the event. Dealing with the venue and the vendors during the event so that you can enjoy and be relaxed in your event.

Event Design

Custom-made event design with great love with lots of creativity and small touches like great beauty that give the WOW effect.

Event logistics

Tours, shuttles, hospitality and others Event logistics (VIP airport, hotels, activities for your guests)

A little about me

I love meeting people every time ... and fulfilling the dream for them. My name is Ronit Bashi and I produce and design events. I plan for people who want to celebrate their events, custom productions to give you the best experience for your events, here in Israel. For those who are looking for the little difference .... making their event a wow ... I produce a wide variety of successful events in personal and unique design - weddings-Bnei Mitzvah-and boutique event events.

I'm here for your service

Tell me a little about your event and I will get back to you for a perfect event

Phone: 0534228230 
 Email: ronitbashi3@gmail.com
Phone: 0534228230 | Email: ronitbashi3@gmail.com

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